Find the Support you Need Online.

Being a member of Sibling loss can be challenging at any phase of life. Our world has physically pulled us apart from getting the connection we need the most. Join our online community of Siblings that understand what you are going through. Regular meetings, writing, art and book clubs help you to feel connected and realize that you are not alone.

You are not alone.

SIBS Online is a place where you can come and talk to people who understand what you are going through. Whether it has been 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, the loss of your sibling has changed you. Let us help you navigate the new waters in which you live.

Join from anywhere.

Many places throughout the country do not have support for Sibling Loss and that was the inspiration for starting our online format. We have people from all over the country attending our meetings. Just make sure you are looking at the times in your time zone. All meetings are on Zoom, so all you need is a stable internet connection. 

General Schedule

Monday 9pm ET - SIB Suicide Support 
          4th Mon of the month
Tuesday 7:00pm ET - Meeting with Jordon
Tuesday 7:30pm ET - Grief Book Club
         1st Tues of the month
Wednesday 7pm ET - Write Your Soul 
1st and 3rd Wed of Month
Thursday 7pm ET - Meeting with Jason
Thursday 9:30pm ET - LGBTQ+ with Stephen
          1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Saturday 1pm ET - Canada Sibling Sharing Circle
          2nd Sat of month
Sunday 7pm ET - SIBS in Relationships and Partners
         2nd Sunday of the Month
TBD- Art from the Heart - Will Return in October

Join our Email list to receive the links and schedule of our weekly meetings.

Meeting Description

Write Your Soul - Writing gives us the ability to get what’s in our heads, out in the open where it can be properly dealt with! So please join us as we express our thoughts on grief and other topics through writing prompts, followed by sharing and discussion. Full participation is highly recommended to get the most out of our time together. So bring your Pens, Paper and your thoughts! Let’s Write Our Soul!
No writing experience required.

Meeting with Jordon - Since Jordon is the Sibling leader for the Manhattan Chapter, his meetings tend to be a little bit more formal. Starting with group rules and guidelines, introductions and hand raising to share, Jordon background in comedy provides a lightness to such a heavy topic.

Meeting with Jason - This is probably the most informal of the weekly meetings. We start with about 15 minutes of hanging out and checking in. If there are new people, we do formal introductions and then talk about pertinent grief topics. Sometimes we share stories and pictures, other times we tackle the big issues. Coming and just listening is always an option (just let me know). 

Art from the Heart - After the death of a sibling, many grievers put down their instrument, paintbrush, knitting, collaging or whatever their previous artistic endeavor. It is sometimes difficult to get back to creating. This hang out will give your the opportunity to bring your own art project and sit together to support one another in whatever art project you choose to bring to the table. This meeting will not be moderated, but all the group guidelines still apply. No previous art experience necessary. Feel free to be creative with the label of "art" (i.e. coloring books count).

Grief Book Club - Whether you have finished the book or not, it does not matter. The monthly book about grief is just a jumping off point for you to learn more about the grieving process. For the next (or previous) book  CLICK HERE.

Canada SIBS Sharing Circle - You don't need to be Canadian to join this meeting. On the Second Saturday of every month you will be invited to share about a specific grief topic. The topics will be available in advance so that you have the time to think about how you feel comfortable sharing. Uncomfortable sharing? Feel free to come and just listen. We do ask that you keep your camera on for the safety of the group.

Open Sharing Circle - The Wild West of our sibling meetings. This meeting is unmoderated and completely unstructured. So just pop on and talk about whatever is going on for you. It is a good way to check in and get yourself prepared for the week ahead. If no one is in the room, post on TCF SIBS or Sounds of the Siblings

SIB Suicide Support - This meeting is specific to grievers whose sibling died of Suicide. This structured meeting will provide a safe environment of connection and support to sibling survivors of suicide.

LGBTQ+ - A group for those who identify within the LGBTQ+ community and is a space to discuss grief and loss that comes from the death of our sibling(s), and we can also talk about how our healing process is impacted by being a part of the community whether because of gender identity, sexual orientation, or both. For example, if your family rejected you, that is another type of loss, and we are here for you. If you are not “out” yet, we are here for you. Maybe you have people to talk to, but they just don’t get it, we are here for you. Your grief is sacred, and you should be able to be your whole-self without having to hide.

SIBS in Relationships and Partners - Is your grief holding your intimate partner at a distance? Is talking about your grief keeping you apart? Each one of our partners are different and we must learn to negotiate that balance of how much information to share to bring you closer together. Does your partner want to know how to support you? Bring them also. This meeting is open to bereaved siblings and their intimate partners.